Special Card
Special Card Quiyou is the loyalty programme promoted by Store Fashion S.r.l. dedicated exclusively to all adults of Livigno (SO). It allows Livigno customers to benefit from numerous privileges, such as discount coupons, promotional initiatives and many other advantages that only a special customer can receive.
To join it, you must have a "Special Card" which can be requested free of charge at Quiyou stores.
To get all the benefits you need, simply present it at the cash desk before the receipt.

– The amount spent, from time to time, will be accumulated and will allow you to access the following discount percentages *:
from € 0 to € 999,00 10%
from € 1.000,00 onwards 15%
Example: if you spend 1,100 euros on 1,000 euros at once you will get 10% off and on the remaining 100 euros you will get 15%, then if you come back and make a purchase of 200 euros you will immediately get a 15% discount because your total expenditure had already exceeded 1000 euros.
* Discounts are percentage-based, cannot be combined with each other and/ or used with promotions, sales or other ongoing initiatives and are non-refundable.
DURATION - The accumulated discounts are deleted every 31st December.
Read the complete regulation